In their own words
Many of you who have stayed with us praise the friendliness and professionalism of our amazing staff team, and often remember them with great fondness. If you want to learn more about the people behind the smiles, what makes them tick and how life has been through the pandemic, read on.
Noor Hasyimah binti Mohamed.
Call me Shima or Kak Long Kawasan (Big Sister). I am originally from Selangor and am the Operations Executive for Batu Batu in Mersing.
What I like most about working at BB
The working environment and culture. We work like a one big family and we take care of each other. The benefits are good and I learn new things constantly. I am excited to go to the office every day because BB surprises me on daily basis!
My most exciting work moment
That one time when a guest returned the next year with his wife and family. Seeing how happy they were to be back, and that they remembered and greeted me by name. It touched me so much and I felt so appreciated I almost cried, I am not going to lie!
What I do for fun
Snorkelling or taking photos for my social media. My followers must know! My social media skills have improved a lot since the MCO.
What have I learnt since working at BB
It is hard to list every single experience and there are not enough words to describe it. All I can say is that I am very grateful to be part of the BB family.
If I had one wish, what would I wish for and why
I wish for a change of uniform! It would be great to have a new identity, and a fresh new look would be a bright spot for us at a time like this, when COVID takes its toll.
How COVID has impacted my life, and what do I wish was different
COVID has been tough, and sometimes I feel burnt out, sad and depressed. I have not be able to travel to my hometown, meet my siblings and my beloved parents. To make matters worse, my husband was retrenched and I am now my family’s sole provider. He is looking for another job but times are hard and many companies are barely surviving due to MCO restrictions. In Mersing, many of us depend on the tourism industry for our income, and COVID hit us hard. Everyone is struggling to survive right now. I wish all of this will end soon, everything can normalise and we can be better than we were before.
Three things I am grateful for
My family, health and job
If I had all the time and money in the world, I would …
Spend more time with my family and help them through this financial crisis. I will make them happy. Family is my utmost priority. 🥰😇
Simun bin Mohd Yusof
Call me Captain or Pak Andak 😇 . I am originally from Tioman, Pahang.
What I do
I am Senior Boat Captain of BB and based in Mersing.
What I like most about working at BB
Teamwork and management that is open to discussion and understanding. I am not highly- stressed at work, and the management trusts me to carry out my duties to the best of my abilities.
What I do for fun
Bowling and learning more about my religion.
What have I learnt since working at BB
I have learnt much about customer service, especially with regard to understanding and managing guests’ needs and concerns on the boat ride, especially when seas are little rough! I have also gained knowledge on best practices for management and administration of boat repairs and servicing.
If I had one wish, what would I wish for and why
I would wish for that BB will continue prioritising and placing the safety and comfort of our guests and boats above all as this reflects well on our resort.
How has COVID impacted my life, and what do I wish was different
The most significant impact of COVID for me was from the financial point of view as I am the breadwinner and head of the family. However, I understand the measures that the company has to take to ensure long term sustainability, and am thankful that I still have my job. The best way possible is to save carefully, and hang on until things return to normal.
Three things I am grateful for
My job, my health and that I have enough for my needs
If I had all the time and money in the world, I would….
Remember to save for a rainy day. As I am in my golden years, I don’t have much that I wish to chase in this world anymore.